
Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 1 and Initial Changes

[caption id="attachment_141" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Love my PlayBook!"][/caption]

Off to a good start, I have been putting some effort into tweaking my Bold and getting some Apps organized.  I like having specific notifications for specific people, and I thought it would be fitting if I gave my wife the Apple Tri-Tone sound for her mail and messages.  She has been giving me grief about "iPhone envy" so I got a laugh out of it.  I also use Be-Buzz to assign her a purple LED to top it off, her favorite color.  I also picked up the game RISK and Bejeweled 2, my 2 all time favorite game/ time wasters for Bold and PlayBook respectively.  I also picked up the Walgreens app to handle my prescriptions, I have a few and it's great for keeping track of those.  Just a few of my regulars that I have not checked into yet on the BB and I'm happy I could find them there.

I am having some issues with finding a suitable Task Management replacement.  I have been an avid user of toodledo over the years, and there is not a single app for the PlayBook that supports syncing with it.  The 2 viable options for the PlayBook are Conqu and GitItDone neither of which have an app for the Bold.  I'm going with GetItDone right now, the web App seems usable on the Bold Browser and it has a 15 day trial.  COnqu looks good too, but the web app is not so great.  I'll save my final decision for a few days as I use them.  This is the most important next step  for me, I have to be organized and I have to be able to stay sync'd across both devices.

I have wifi syncing setup for music with BB Desktop, so music transfer is easy.  Playing it , on the other hand is a little more difficult.  Every one of our vehicles has an iPhone Dock in it, not to mention a ton of Clocks and boom box type things, as well as a Bose Sound-system with a iPod Dock.  So in short my Bold will not be plug and play with anything I have existing, curses!  What I came up with is a Jabra Bluetooth Speakerphone that clips to the sun visor in your vehicle.  It has a function that will play sound through the FM antenna in your vehicles stereo.  We do not have a lot of radio stations out here, so finding an unused channel was easy and the device works very well without any noticeable lag.  The sound quality is as good as can be expected, and plenty good enough for me.  I don't have a mount for the Bold, but that is not a huge deal yet.  I have a few idea's to rig something up, but I have more research to do on that topic yet.

So to summarize the first day, challenges have been overcome, some pleasant surprise have showed up along the way.  I have identified a few more things I would like to do, and I'm having fun writing about it.  Coming up soon, I will have a review of GetItDone for the PlayBook (and Desktop) and a few more surprises.   I'm also cleaning up my Blog and getting the template in order before I start going public, I do not want to be an embarrassment in that area.  Thanks for reading and talk to you soon.




  1. Hello Website Owner! I ran into your Wordpress website through Google. We offer article writing services at 1 cent per word - that is $5 for a 500 word article! Our writers are US natives and we scan each of our articles through Copyscape to ensure your content is unique. If you would like somebody to write your content, we would be more than happy to do it!

  2. I saw your post on Crackberry and started to read your posts. When I saw this one I figured I could help you out a bit with your audio situation. I've used a product called CableJive DockBoss+ to connect non-Apple audio sources to 30 pin connectors.

  3. Luis, thanks for the comment. I will have to check that out, it will also make for a great review and post for my Project. I appreciate it and thanks for taking the time to read my site!

  4. Hi Jeff

    Great idea. I use macs for work
    and home use but still have bb for phone,. Great idea off yours and I will be following this avidly as I'm almost in the same position of changing devices too much

  5. Thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it! It's going to be tough on me, but I'm up for the challenge.
